

What is hospice?

Hospice is a program/support system for anyone who is terminally ill and diagnosed with generally 6 or less months to live.

What are the benefits of hospice care?

Hospice care helps terminally ill patients live comfortably, with caregivers providing them with: physical, emotional, social, and spiritual support to the patient and their family/primary caregivers.

Who can receive hospice care?

Hospice care can be provided for anyone who is terminally ill, and is not just for the elderly or for cancer patients. Hospice patients can be of any age, as various illnesses and circumstance can fall upon anyone.

Do I have to be hospitalized or in a retirement home in order to receive hospice care?

No, hospice care is/can be provided in many different ways in order to meet the needs of hospice care patients.

Below is a list of the types of hospice care that we provide.

the four types of HOSPICE care we offer

Because our patients have different lifestyles, needs, and levels of needed hospice service.. there are four different types of hospice care that we provide.

Routine Care

This is the most common level of hospice care that is provided to patients at their residence (in either a nursing facility or their own home).

This is provided for patients who meet the criteria per federal and state guidelines.

Respite Care

This type of care is provided to offer relief and rest to caregivers who provide for the hospice patient.

Respite care is inpatient care in a medicare approved facility (like a hospice inpatient facility, hospital, or nursing home). Choice hospice will arrange this for the patient. The patient can stay up to 5 days for each period of respite care.

Respite care is provided 5 days out of every 30 days of service.

Continuous care

This type of care is provided to a patient who is a resident of a facility or at home.

This care is primarily for patients who experience a crisis, as defined by the Hospice Rules of Health Care Financing Administration (HFCA). The hospice agrees to place round-the-clock nursing and/or aide service in the facility or home until the patient’s condition dictates a return to hospice care or a change to General Inpatient Care. Symptoms must be acute enough to require a minimum of 8 hours of continuous care.

In most circumstances, if continuous care continues over a period of 18-24 hours, general inpatient care may be indicated.

Short-term inpatient care

This type of care is provided to a facility or home resident.

This type of care is for patients who experience acute symptoms which in the judgement of the hospice cannot be effectively managed in the home or outpatient setting. The hospice agrees to provide short-term hospice inpatient care for such a patient in an inpatient facility, provided that the facility has a registered nurse (RN) available on the premises 24 hours a day.

Various services that we offer with hospice care

Here is a list of some of the services/skills that come with and can be provided with the hospice care that you choose …

  • Bereavement Services (Following the Patient Death – More on our Webpage)
  • Skilled Nursing
  • Dietary, Spiritual, and Bereavement Counseling
  • Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy
  • A Hospice Physician
  • A Medical Social Worker
  • A Home Health Aide/Homemaker
  • Pharmaceutical Services
  • Medication Coverage (Medications Directly Related to the Terminal Condition)
  • Medical Appliance & Supplies
  • Volunteer Options